Sixth Form enrolment 2020

We are looking forward to welcoming all the students who have accepted their offer of a place to study with us in Sixth Form to enrolment on 20 and 21 August. Should you wish to enrol remotely, please email

Some changes have had to be made this year to ensure everyone’s safety who visits or works for us. There is also a slightly different process for students who have already been studying at UTC Portsmouth to those from other schools, please read the information below for more details:

Current UTC Portsmouth Year 11s 

UTC Portsmouth Year 11 students will be able to enrol after picking up their results at their appointed tutor group times. This will take place in the sports hall, alongside where you will be picking up your results. Should you wish to amend the subjects or course you would like to study you can do so at this point, depending on your results. 

On the day you will meet a member of the admissions team to confirm your place, then pick up a pack of forms to be signed to take home and complete ready to bring back at the start of the new academic year.

Please remember the following:

  • Students must come in via the community entrance (nearest the sports hall) and leave via the main entrance.  A strict one way system will be in place for students to follow at all times.

  • All students will be required to use hand sanitiser to thoroughly clean their hands before coming into the building.

  • Any students who have used face masks on public transport will be asked to remove them and either dispose of them before entering the building or to seal them in a plastic bag before entering (we will provide bags if students don't have one with them).

  • Students must remain 2m from other students and adults at all times (both when in college and outside).

  • Students must come into the college building unaccompanied to collect their results (unless a parent/carer is required to come in for care reasons). If a parent/carer is providing transport to or from college we ask that they drop-off students and pick up them up in the surrounding areas and not come onto the college site so that we can safely manage the number of people we have on site.

  • Students must not wait on the college site once they have collected their results or arrive before their allotted time - we know that they will want to speak with their friends and share their results but we ask that all students respect that they cannot gather in social groups when on the college site (even if 2m apart).

  • We will need a parent’s email address for e-forms to be sent to, please bring this with you

  • If you haven’t done so already, please be ready to empty your locker on the day too as they will all be cleaned before the start of the new academic year.

External Year 11 students

External students are invited to attend the college between 10am and 1pm on either 20 or 21 August with their results to enrol.

Come to the main entrance where your name and the Sixth Form pathway you wish to follow will be taken and you’ll then be invited to wait to meet a member of the admissions team in our atrium.

Please bring your passport or birth certificate with you as well as your results as you’ll need one of these to be able to enrol with us.

Following your conversation with one of our admissions team you will receive your enrolment letter and be able to pick up a pack of forms to be signed. We will also need a parent’s email address to send emails for completion.

Please note the following:

  • All students will be required to use hand sanitiser to thoroughly clean their hands before coming into the building.

  • Any students who have used face masks on public transport will be asked to remove them and either dispose of them before entering the building or to seal them in a plastic bag before entering (we will provide bags if students don't have one with them).

  • Students must remain 2m from other students and adults at all times (both when in college and outside).

  • A strict one way system will be in place for students to follow at all times.

  • Students must come into the college building unaccompanied to collect their results (unless a parent/carer is required to come in for care reasons). If a parent/carer is providing transport to or from college we ask that they drop-off students and pick up them up in the surrounding areas and not come onto the college site so that we can safely manage the number of people we have on site.