
Here are all the forms parents and guardians may need to complete for students at UTC Portsmouth, covering a range of college-related matters

Administering medicine at the college

If students require any medicine to be administered at the college, please can parents/guardians complete the ‘parental agreement to administer medicine’ form.

Please note: we do not have an onsite nurse or provide medication, but there are trained First Aiders on every floor.

Change of student details

If you or your child has a change of address or contact details, please could you update the college using the ‘change of address’ form. This ensures our records remain up-to-date.

Data/Photo consent form

Please complete the ‘personal data consent form’ to indicate your consent preferences regarding the use of student data, including photos for marketing purposes. It is important to ensure this form is kept up to date if your consent options change, as we rely on the information provided here to determine which photos can be used in our marketing materials.