The month of June started brilliantly at UTC Portsmouth and has continued as such. It has been great to see sixth form students working hard for their end of year exams and year 10 getting so much out of their work experience. The college is generating so much interest in the Solent region and beyond. This month we have had many visitors, each of whom have been so impressed with what we offer and the environment we have created. It is hardly surprising that, for September, our two new intakes of students are full. Staff want to work here too and I will be pleased, in due course, to introduce to you our excellent new teachers.
Year 10 Work Experience
From 4-8 June, year 10 students had the privilege of experiencing a week of work with one of our employer partners. Overall, students represented themselves and the college brilliantly. The feedback I received from students and employers alike was very encouraging. Some of our students have already been identified by some of our partners as potential employees when they complete their education. Students working for the Royal Navy were even featured in The News in Fareham (link here).
We are very grateful to all the employers who hosted our students and offered them such great work experience placements:
Apollo Motor Group, ASV global, Babcock, BAE Systems, Eaton Aerospace, ICEE, Knight, Architectural Design, NATS, Qinetiq, Raymarine, Royal Navy, Tecsew, UKSA, University of Portsmouth, Byng Auto Ltd, Corpus Christi School, Cycle World, Drayton, Cycles, Lewmar, Meon Junior School, Moorings Way Infants School, Shields Carpentry, South Western Trains, St George's Beneficial School, Task Welding, Woodlands Primary School.
A massive ‘Thank you!’ to Julia Holt (Marketing and Liaison Manager) for organising such a successful and memorable week.
Oli on his work experience placement at Raymarine
Institute of Physics
UTC Portsmouth has been awarded the status of Lead School as part of the Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund Future Leaders Project (funded by the Department of Education). The college is proud and happy to be acting in the capacity of Lead School. We are committed to the wider educational community and, by hosting CPD sessions and networking events, we aim to help raise standards in physics teaching across the local area.
Second Sea Lord
It was a pleasure to welcome Vice Admiral Tony Radakin to the college recently. The Second Sea Lord & Deputy Chief of Naval Staff is responsible for the delivery of the naval service’s current and future personnel, equipment and infrastructure. I was impressed with the Vice Admiral's enthusiasm for what the college is achieving and for his genuine support in the college aim to produce young, work ready leavers heading for exciting careers in a variety of STEM fields in the Royal Navy and its associated employer partners.
UTC Portsmouth is officially a Lego Innovation Education Studio. This means that many other schools will be sending their students and staff to participate in various activities. The studio offers a very practical learning approach that actively involves pupils in their own learning process. The studio will be a hub for the community, bringing together schools, teachers, parents and companies to provide educational enrichment.
The first schools visit this month and some of our first visitors will be from primary schools. It will be wonderful to welcome so many budding scientists, engineers and technologists of the future who are just waiting to be encouraged and inspired.
UTC Portsmouth also recently hosted the Primary Engineers event. It was lovely to see ‘engineers’ from primary schools across the area enthused about engineering and science at such a young age:
Enrichment News
Our Junior Leader Field Gun team have started training and will compete in the first month of July.
On 12 June three lucky UTC students went to London to attend a debate and lunch held by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Engineering. The trip was organised by Rod Edwards, a trustee at UTC Portsmouth. Sam R, Jordan W and Ewan G were met by Stephen Morgan MP, Member of Parliament for Portsmouth South at Westminster Hall. He spent over an hour with the students, giving them a personal tour of Parliament. The trip was an inspirational day for the students, giving them a unique view of parliament in action as well as the opportunity to meet and talk to MPs and members of the House of Lords. Attendance at such events is part of the core enrichment activities at UTC Portsmouth and is important to broaden the horizons of the students.
Ciaran O’Dowda
Other important dates for the summer term:
Friday 22 June -Sports Day at HMS Temeraire
Friday 29 June - QinetiQ Powerboat Team event
Thursday 5 July - Transition Day for Y10 students starting in Sept 2018
Friday 6 July - ‘Summer Social’ for students (times TBC)
Monday 16 July - Work Experience week for Year 12
Friday 20 July - Summer term ends