Yr10 creative reactions for Shakespeare Day

Recently Year 10 students completed their study of Macbeth and were invited to produce a creative recreation. 

The English department received everything from song recordings to flip-books! Year 10 demonstrated an exceedingly high level of creativity and effort. Here is a small sample of some of their work:

1. Kira's 'Is it a dagger...'     

2. T'was Done by Ben S

3. Tony B's take on Act 1 Scene 5 and his poem Epiphany

4. Annmariya's take on Act 1 Scene 5

Kira’s ‘Is it a dagger …’

Kira’s ‘Is it a dagger …’

T’was Done

A bleak landscape of tame colours

Grass swaying in the Scottish breeze, 

The setting of a tale of witches and words

And kings brought to their knees.

The castle, sturdily standing atop a hill

Unwavering through thick and thin,

But that peaceful nature was doomed 

From the moment Macbeth stepped in.

Though the words begin with two warriors 

On a battlefield of glory and pain,

The true characters are revealed from

One fateful moment in Dunsinane.

From Macbeth’s hands, a dagger

Plunged deep into Duncan’s heart,

Though the act was done

Two sides of his mind were still apart.

In that split second, a lifetime worth

Of thoughts flowed through his head,

Should he have stopped and thought 

Before plucking the king from his bed.

Still the act was done and two others

He’d have to blame,

How long would he have to sit

And play out his wife’s vindictive games.

It being him who had done the deed

No others would presume,

For now the wealth of those above 

would be his to consume.

But like all good things it must run out

And the facade shall melt away,

But until then the deed is done

And nothing more shall we say.

Macbeth recreation by Tony Butler


There are two parts to my work. The first is a drawing for Act 1 Scene 5 and the second is a poem for Act 5 Scene 5.

Act 1 Scene 5

Act 5 Scene 5

After hearing of his wife’s death, Macbeth reveals that he is going through an existential crisis. His soliloquy has been recreated as a poem.


Everyone seeks the impossible;

A meaning within a cacophony of oblivion

One is but another pawn destined to be sacrificed,

All for a greater game beyond our comprehension

But even players are unaware that this will come to an inexorable conclusion

The more that I know,

The more I am dragged through the surface

Once through I am suffocating 

Lost in a shroud of overwhelming disorientation

Gasps of air disappear before it reaches my lungs

Despite how I resist,

I inevitably succumb to the blackness

Now left afloat I can see everything and nothing

The truth of it all

The purpose we desire is a predetermined script

The light we seek will fizzle out

The peace we vie for is a deafening silence

Fate is a one-way road for everyone that ends at everything we can ever know

Each life eternally bound by an unholy covenant

Signed somewhere in the emptiness past the night sky

True understanding is unattainable

The ones who try are lost in the chasmic limbo of self-awareness

The conditions of existence

Leads the strongest minds into insanity

Ignorance truly is bliss

Once we reach such a hellish epiphany 

It is forever scorched into the core of our being

Consumed by melancholy 

We can only wait for our brief candles to flicker one last time

Annmariya's take on Act 1 Scene 5

Annmariya's take on Act 1 Scene 5