First progression week inspires and challenges

Our first Progression Week took place from 30 April to 4 May, offering the whole college a chance to think ahead to plans after their time at UTC Portsmouth. Students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities such as mock interviews, a careers fair and talks from industry speakers. Going forward, this will be an annual event for students in Years 10 & 12.

As a college we are very focused on developing skills with our students that will enable them to access the future career of their choice. This focused week of activity offered both challenge and inspiration with the aim that students will get a great understanding of the skills and tools they will need to be truly equipped for life beyond college.

Our Employer Partners and invited speaks and guests were all very impressed with our students, commenting on their maturity, great questions and ability to speak with confidence about themselves and their experiences.

A big thank you to the following companies and people for supporting the week:

University of Portsmouth

The Royal Navy


BAE Systems





ASV Global

Southern University Network

Helen Hitchings

Debbie Clark

Kira Coley

Ian Knight

Alan Priddy

Karla Marlow

Kessia Willoughby